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Monday, February 14, 2011

Turning the Page

Well, just one more month to go and we are in a new chapter.  Anna will be starting first grade in April. There a lot of preparations that still need to be done, clothes need to bought, and other various school supplies as well. 

The thing that I think I keep putting off is the mental preparation.  It hasn`t hit me yet...  I still cannot imagine it clearly.  My little girl, who I use to hold in one arm, will be going off to school all by herself.  Part of me is afraid to think about it.  The other part is shocked that we made it this far already.

Having three children keeps me busy, and I must confess that it is difficult for the oldest one.  They have a higher set of expectations placed on them and as a parent you lack the experience to guide them, because for you it is the first time too for everything.

My mistakes as a parent will ,no doubt, be apparent as my daughter enters school.  In Japan, school is serious business and I am far from serious when it comes to study myself.  I am confident in my daughter`s abilities, but fear for her weaknesses.  I can only hope and pray that she is able to engage herself and connect with good people.

As the time draws near and the page begins to turn, I feel my heart yearn for the time of her infacy, her precious little smile, and the look of joy and peace in her eyes as a new born babe, but it is passed.  We must go forward, despite our many failures and struggles, regrets and short-comings. 

We must turn the page and witness the events of the lives of our children, hoping to cherish it all, but weather the storm of parenting them through it all.

If you really want to see what you are a made of, taking care of three little girls will definitely teach you a thing or two!


  1. Best of luck to your daughter!

  2. Yah, being first born isn't always great. You get some perks but a lot of responsibility too. As you posted, much more eloquently I might add, you are the guinea pig.

  3. Good luck..That is the beauty of fatherhood...the best is yet to come..enjoy looking after your angel and she will provide you the happiness in the world

  4. The elementary years are among the best. It's a time of great sharing and affection. It's the years after that that get a little rough. So enjoy them while you can.

  5. While it is scary for you...I hope it is exciting for your daughter. I have witness children in kindergarten they are so excited by learning, new friends etc. Unfortunately I have seen the light go out of them by 3rd or 4th grade. Enjoy this stage, high school is next.
